Mark Jenkins

Information Technologist


My GPG key on public key servers is identified as AA4DB1FB. The fingerprint is 1DEE 93CC DA25 F8A3 F9E3 57A9 A8F8 6493 AA4D B1F. Download link.

If there isn’t a trust pathway from keys you trust to keys they trust to keys… and so on to me, you could look at the following celebrities with well known domain names (you’ll find them linked from many, many websites) and keys and/or ids/fingerprints served on those personal websites by https.

The connections to me come via Skullspace members. In terms of signature paths, I am not closely connected.

I link to a trust path website to illustrate, to actually verify for yourself you would need to import the relevant keys to your gpg client.

As of 2020-07-28 there is also a video of myself reading and showing my fingerprint on camera. This is somewhat useful if you know me, but consider the deep fake risk. On YouTube.

I do not recommend relying on either method if you have a high stakes reason to send me a GPG encrypted message. There is no substitute for getting my key in person.

You should definitely not sign my key on either basis.

Richard Stallman

Well known domain name:
https delivered GPG Page:
Signature paths — smallest 4 hops.

Cory Doctorow

Well known domain name:
https delivered GPG page:
Well known and verified twitter account bio with GPG:
Signature paths — smallest 5 hops

Bruce Schneier

Well known domain name:
https delivered GPG page:
Signature paths — smallest 6 hops

Gavin Andresen

Well known domain name:
https delivered GPG keys:
Signature paths — smallest 6 hops

B-list (not nearly as well known as the above list, not notable enough to have a wikipedia article)

Micah Lee

Read about how he helped connect Edward Snowden with Laura Poitras.
well known domain name:
https delivered gpg page
(sorta) Well known domain name:
https delivered GPG key:
Signature paths — 4 hops